Creating the Perfect Residential Wine Room: CWC New Jersey’s High-Capacity Wine Storage Solutions

Custom Wine Cellars new Jersey (CWC New Jersey) can provide just about any kind of residential wine room you might imagine. Whether you’re looking to build a traditional wine room for your home or want a wine room with thousands of bottle capacity, we’ve got you covered. We’ll work closely with you to determine what you’re looking for in your wine room and provide you with the most cost-effective solution.

This high-capacity traditional home wine cellar is great for storing extensive collections of wine. This wine room includes impressive features like wine barrels for its flooring material, double deep wooden wine racks, and an efficient cooling system. 

Wine Cellar with Wooden Wine Racks
The wine cellar for this New Jersey residence can store more than 4000 bottles in a small space.

A Custom Residential Wine Room for Safely Storing 4,500 Bottles of Wine

This client had a massive collection of wine, so he needed a space to store it safely without worrying about damaging any of them. We were able to accomplish this feat thanks to our experience in designing custom wine rooms, and this residential wine cellar holds up to 4,500 bottles of wine. Our client loved the look of the wine cellar, and he said it made his house feel like an authentic winery. He told us that he loved being able to open the door and smell the fresh aroma coming out of the room.   

The best part about this wine room? The unbelievable bottle capacity. The client’s priority for this project was to build a room solely for storing wine bottles—each space was essential, and each detail of the wine room should have a purpose. From this perspective, the customer’s collection consisted of several bottle sizes, including magnums and half-bottles. 95% of their collection featured Burgundy bottles that required 3/4 cubicle size storage, making it an essential element during construction. 

Maximizing Storage Capacity in a Residential Wine Room: The Double-Depth Wine Rack System

The rich-stained Alder wood for the home wine cellar’s glass door adds a rustic flair with a view of the wine barrel flooring.

The limited space of the room can be a little tricky to work with, but there are plenty of strategies we use to maximize storage capacity while minimizing storage needs.

One example is the double-depth wine rack system. This design offers double the storage space without needing more room to store your bottles. At every turn, there’s no unused space for each depth or slot to create the maximum cache. Adding the first depth offers 2,200 possible slots, and the second gives another 2,300, giving you a 4,500 wine bottle capacity in total.

You can’t tell if a particular type of wine is stored in an area because of the double-depth system, so that’s the reason why the racks are divided into several sections according to size and wine type. The lower portion of the racks has cubbyholes that fit a specific height, width, and depth.

It only takes a quick look to tell one how hands-on the client was with his collection. If you’re also a wine connoisseur, you can expect us to meet your wine cellar requirements for your residence. 

Maintaining the Ideal Wine Storage Conditions with a Quiet and Efficient Cooling System

People often assume that a loud and large cooling system is needed for storing 4,500 bottles of wine. In this case, we made sure that the opposite was true. The cooling system used here is effective and very quiet even while running, and it’s perfect for keeping a humidity level between 60-65%, which is ideal for maintaining the health and condition of corks.  

Too high of a humidity level can age wine too fast. This means the wine will age too quickly, which is not as good for the client who likes to leave their wines for months or years before drinking them. At the same time, going below 50 percent can dry out corks, ruining an expensive wine collection. So sometimes, a humidity level of 70% is worth considering. 

The Benefits of a Ducted-Cooling System in a Wine Cellar

From the inside, you see no sign of an obtrusive wine cooling system in many other wine cellars. We used a ducted-cooling system, which allowed us to keep the cooling unit hidden away in plain sight. In addition, you will only see a grille for air to pass through, which is mounted on the upper part of the wall.  

One great feature of the residential wine room is the ducting, which travels straight from the wine room to a coil on the wall’s other side. With a noisy condenser outside, there’s no way for the noise to disturb guests that want to enjoy their wine in peace. 

Making Functionality and Character a Focal Point: A High-Capacity Room with a Unique Rustic Flair

This home wine room system features a double-depth wooden racking system that maximizes all storage space.

The client simply wanted a high-capacity wine storage room for the home, but they also liked other aspects of the design. For example, they like the simplicity of limited lighting and more character added by using wooden elements. Though it was simple enough to achieve what they needed, it also had plenty of excitement because we used unconventional inspiration and integrated different design ideas. 

In this project, even the floor gets special attention. For example, we used wine barrel material for the flooring we leveled inside and out. Aside from being traditional and adding contrast to the dark finish of our Alder wine racks, it’s a stain that ties in with the Early American style.   

The same stain for Alder wood was used for the door, which is airtight to keep the humidity in check when it’s shut. The laminated glass door also makes it easy to admire the craftsmanship inside. 

Creating High-Quality, Customized Wine Room Experiences with CWC New Jersey

Custom Wine Cellars New Jersey is dedicated to creating high-quality, customized wine cellars. One of the many pieces we’ve completed, this traditional residential wine room is only one of our custom creations. For each project we take on, we always meet every requirement and condition of our clients and go above and beyond to meet their expectations.  

We design wine rooms that maximize space and provide your wine with the perfect environment. That’s why we’re there with you in any project, at every step in the process, making sure to account for every detail. From start to finish, we will provide you with a high-quality, personalized experience. Call us at (732) 455-9132 or click here to contact our designers to request a free quote!